Did I Miss Your House? The Importance of Readable Address Plaques!


Unreadable, thin address numbers
Unreadable, thin address numbers

Address plaques can add elegance, style, and curb appeal to any home if done correctly.   If your house numbers are too small, faded, or too fancy, they aren’t useful.  While address plaques serve many purposes, their main one is to provide identification of your house number to emergency response units, delivery drivers, and visitors.

When an address plaque has numbers that are not legible, identifying your home can be a difficult task.  The most common number mistakes we see are: peeling numbers, faded numbers, numbers that are too small, numbers that are too thin, numbers that are too fancy, and numbers that blend in with the house.

 Metropolis Iron’s line of address plaques was created to help homeowners avoid the above numbering issues.  Each address plaque is created from aluminum which is non-corrosive making them weather resistant in even the harshest climates.  Also, all of our address plaques are created with 5” numbers.  We can even make them with 8” numbers upon special request.  They are available in an array of paint finishes so they are sure to compliment your home.  We want to help your visitors find your house easily and be in awe of such a beautiful address plaque all at once.

Unreadable, curly address numbers
Unreadable, curly address numbers

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